1. STAY INDOORS: For some people, they
cannot handle going out and people are
asking where his babe is. The truth is, you
can’tbe explaining to everyone. So some guys
who can’t handle the heat avoid friends and
events where they might see the ex or where people who knew them as a couple might be.
Meanwhile some guys go the opposite
2. CRYING Believe it or not, they do not only
cry at funerals, they cry for babes too. Quite a
number of guys are guilty of this.
Most of them come out doing “Odi eshi” (Igbo
slang for ‘not bothered’). But the reverse is the
case for a guy who cry after a heart break especially if he was in love with the girl.
3. HANGING OUT A LOT:This also occurs often.
Guys do this because they need to take their
minds off the good times they shared with the
ex. The kissing and hugging, the hanging out
on the beach, movie dates etc. So to avoid
thinking a lot, they channel their energy into something else.
4. STALKING: From the interviews, I found that
guys do this too. This is not the usual scary
stalking. This is the subtle kind using social
media to find out how the ex is faring,
dressing to kill to go for events because you
know the ex-girlfriend would be there, and other little things involved.
5. DRINKING: We all know some guys quit
smoking or drinking because of a girl they fell
in love with. But as soon as the relationship is
over, they are back to old habits. They know
they do not have to answer to anyone
anymore or feel guilty. Alcohol and cigarettes tend to be their consolation so they drown
and choke in it.
6. SULKING:Yes, I said sulking! Some guys
actually sulk when they are sad. After all the
hanging out with friends, partying, drinking
and loads more, they still end up alone
withtheir thoughts. Back to square one! Trying
to figure out where it went wrong. That is when sleep refuses to show up. Even after
counting the ceiling a thousand times, they still
can’t stop thinking of her. Even if some guys
won’t agree with this, I am sure some others
can relate.
found this hilarious! I didn’t know guys
actually did this. I guess ladies aren’t the only
softies in this world then.
8. ALL BABES ARE THE SAME:Obviously, it is
after bad breakups you start to hear thingslike
this. No matter how nice the girl is, they do not
want to believe she is different from the next
No mercy on the babes after a heart is broken. So in retaliation moves, he would start plotting
to break the hearts of as many girls as
possible! Just kidding but you get my drift!
9. CALL THE SECOND OPTION: It’s after they
break up with their girlfriend, that they
remember the other babe who liked them but
they couldn’t date, because they were in a
relationship. She becomes his new besty. He
startsto tell her he likes her and boom!They go on from there. But this isnever a good fortune
for the girl because she ends up being the
rebound. No girl likes to be on that end of the
typical amongst guys. They put up a front so
they do not get dissed by their friends.They try
to hide that they are really softies. Some even
go as far as dating their ex’s friends or a hotter
babe just to get back at her.Things we do for love!!! At the end of the day, it is all based on
the maturity of the guy. Sometimes it works
out negatively, and sometimes positively.
Choose your path!
Read 10 Things Ladies Do After A Break-up @ http://nairalord.com