The thirsty facebook guy have ever known
I had been chatting with a man on and off for a little
while. Basically he would talk about normal things
for a short while then start talking about sex. I
would stop responding. A few days would pass
and he would try again. Nice conversation, sex
convo then me ignoring him. He finally asked if I would meet him as it seemed we both had a
window at the same time…last night.
That being said the night before he started with the
sex conversation again after I said I would meet
I made it quite clear he’d be lucky if I gave him a hug.
He had given me his number but I wouldn’t use it. I
told him I don’t give out my number until I’ve met a
person (mostly true).
5pm – He’s online on facebook but I don’t hear
from him. I decide that I’m taking myself out for dinner and proceed to get ready. I’m not
waiting around for someone or what I call “chasing
a ghost.”
6:30ish pm – I’m sitting at the bar of
an establishment enjoying a drink and waiting on
my food. I happen to check facebook and he’s not online.
8pm – I get a message from him,
HIM: “Should come snuggle.”
ME: “Nah, I’m good.”
He then proceeds to try and convince me to come
see him…at his place. To me it’s obvious what’s
going on here. I think he made a date with
someone else and when she didn’t “put out” he
then started messaging me to see if I would. To hell
with him! I mean, I’m definitely NOT cut for such.
Needless to say I’ve had enough from this idiot and
have officially blocked him. The red flags were
there and I knew it. It didn’t stop me from having a
nice dinner out though.
That being said, I’m wondering what kind of
women are out there letting guys like this get laid. It’s obvious to me that he thinks he can talk to
people like that because women have been having
sex with him on the first date.
Men/women like this are the cancer of dating. I
think I’m feeling desensitized to this behaviour as
I’ve encountered it so much in the last 3+ years of
being single. It’s my only explanation I can give for
not blocking the guy at the first mention of sex.
dont be selfish share this friends