Driving in Nigeria can be a chore. It’s little surprise
that for those who can afford it getting a driver is
one of the best investments you can have in your
life. I’m sure it can directly traced to reducing blood
I’ve decided some of the most annoying things I’ve
come to hate about driving in Nigeria.
Yes most of us are probably used to it already but it
doesn’t make it correct.
1.No Respect for Traffic Lights
Are there traffic lights at a lot of intersections? Yes.
Are they always respected? It all depends on who’s
watching. Come later in the evening, and folks just
zoom past red lights like it’s nothing. God bless us if
there’s no traffic light. That’s all cars in all directions
trying to move forward and then no one ends up going anywhere ironically.
Thank God for Yellow Fever, Lagos and LASTMA!
But then again….
Driving Lane Means Nothings
So you veer into the left turning lane with your
traffic signal on. Someone pulls up beside you, and
you’re assumption is they are going straight right?
Nope… 1 single turning lane can turn into 3 cars
turning left at the same time like we’re running
Then the great workers that painted the lanes in
the middle of the road just did a job for nothing as
no one really cares about lanes. Oh there’s 3 lanes
for this road? That means 5 will fit. Let’s all squeeze
Keke Drivers and Their Need to Quiz into Tight Spaces
So Okadas have been banned from most major
cities in Nigeria, but then in came Keke, which I
have no problem with, except when the drivers
think they are driving an ultra-slim vehicle that can
squeeze into any tight space there is. They end up
causing more traffic, and scratching cars as they move on.
Excessive Horning
*takes a deep breath* This is probably the most
annoying thing about driving in Nigeria. You could
actually be stopped at a red light and some random
person starts honking their horn at you like you’re
doing something wrong.What the use for that
really? It’s like everyone just uses it at will, and just for the
fun of it. If you don’t have a sound system in your
car be ready for the sweet musical tunes of different
car horns as you drive.
Police Jumping in Your Car
They Stop You Oh fine! You finally caught me running a red light
after 5 others ran it before me. You’ve stopped me
and I’m answering your questions, but why all of a
sudden are there 2 officers in my car telling me to
drive. I mean this is borderline kidnapping. I’m sure
there are other ways of ensuring motorists don’t run away without jumping in the car with them.
You can always chase them with your own car Oga
police. And after all that,
you end up paying some change
and getting let off the hook.
No Road Courtesy or Patience
It’s like everyone is in a hurry to go somewhere. If
you’re trying to cut in, cars will just zoom past you
like it’s nothing. People overtake each other all over
the place and give you the evil eye like you’re mad
for daring to drive in front of them. Yes I know this
happens in other places but it also happens a lot in Nigeria.
Taxis Dropping and Picking Up On The Road
I’m not sure if it’s the way the roads are designed
or what, but not much can be more annoying than
driving on the right lane and suddenly a taxi or
keke stops to pick someone up or drop someone.
It’s about one of the most dangerous things to be
doing as a driver. Best thing to do is just avoid the right most lane until you’re 100% sure you’re
making a right or stopping. If there are other things you find more annoying or
just as annoying feel free to drop a comment or 3.
SOURCE: http://Sunloaded.com