I graduated from secondary school in 2000 filled
with hopes and dreams. I dreamt of instant
admission into the university, graduating with a
first class, getting a plum job and getting married
and having my first kid by the time I am 30. Naija
frustrate me, I wrote jamb till jamb started writing me. It got to a point they started sending me to
different states on sight-seeing/jamb writing tour!
In 2005, out of frustration I decided to kill myself, I
bought valium 5, drank overdose but I no die, as a
matter of fact, I didn’t even sleep that night.
After long suffering, I got so good at jamb that I
scored 298 without cheating and gained admission
by 2007. I was so happy and fulfilled. I had arrived!
I packed myself to school and was a good student.
At the end of my first year I had a 4.1cgpa. I was
happy, I had 5years to clock 30 so I felt I could still catch up my dreams, Then I met her…
I was minding my business jeje on nairaland when
she started attacking me, we insulted each other till
the admin banned us both, we opened new ids and
resumed the insults. We were at it for ages, I
opened almost 5 ids to fight this girl. In the course of the fight we started liking each other. She
somehow got my number and called and we
became friends being the sharp nigger that I was, I
“toasted” her and she agreed. Our schools were 1
hour apart so she came over, after much cajoling
we had “sex” that same night. Let me explain why I emphsized the word sex.
After much sweet-talking, we entered the
romance/foreplay stage, I went through the whole,
touching and kissing and by now my “agro” levels
were off the charts, then I carry finger chuk for her
“kini” and it was as if a fish seller suddenly opened
my self-contain wey I dey manage and dump all the fish wey she buy the week before but could not
sell. The whole room was smelling and I became
dizzy but my agro overpowered the dizziness and I
continued. Our clothes dissappeared and I was
kissing her oranges and then she pushed my head
down say make I give her “head” I was so horny or maybe I was high on the fishy
smell but na so I carry mouth put there, it was like
eating rotten liquid fish, I almost vomit inside her
“tin” but my “agro” level kept my N50 mama-put
dinner in my somach. The smell was so bad my
p***s died off! Seeing the hell I had gone through and as I no wan lose, I got vaseline, and woke my
thing up and we did the business.
The truth is she was good in that department, so
good that I spent my remaining 3years in school
“dying there”. I endured the fish smell for 3years
and the following happened to me.
1. My grades dropped till I struggled to graduate
with a 2.2
2. I am now allergic to fish, if I eat fish or anything
cooked with fish I vomit.
3. I am now married and my wife’s “thing” smells
lovely but I no fit give her head cos the thought makes me feel like vomiting my lunch.
And the worse be say, when I wanted to break up
she said I must pay for damages and she broke up
countless relationships I had after her till I had to
run to another state and change all my numbers
but now am the one suffering. My question to NSG
fans is this, can I sue her for causing me this trauma?